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City of Hyattsville Bioretention Facility Rehabilitation and Silva Cell Tree Installation

SMC recently completed a design/build project with the City of Hyattsville to rehabilitate an existing bioretention facility and install street trees utilizing Silva Cell technology. SMC teamed with Bradley Site Design on this project for landscape expertise.

The bioretention rehabilitation design by SMC’s engineers included making grading modifications to maximize storage and associated water quality.  The facility was re-mulched and new native plants were installed.  

A planting plan was designed and constructed for street tree implementation through utilization of seven (7) separate Silva Cell systems. Silva Cells are a module suspended pavement system that uses soil volumes to support large tree growth and provide on-site stormwater management through absorption, evapotranspiration and interception. The Silva Cell system was placed beneath the existing sidewalk, and placement of the systems were strategically located with close coordination between SMC’s in-house surveyors and engineers to avoid conflicts with existing utilities. The portions of sidewalk removed during the installation of the systems were replaced with permeable paving to facilitate water support of the trees.

Bioretention Rehabilitation

Bioretention Rehabilitation

Silva Cell Technology

Permeable Pavement

Tree Installation with Silva Cell Technology

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