SMC was contracted by Baltimore County to complete stream restoration construction services. SMC was responsible for completing approximately 475 LF of repairs on previous stream restoration structures on the main stem of Roland Run and 550 LF of channel realignment and grading on an unnamed tributary in the Thornton Road neighborhood. The work was conducted within a neighborhood park and behind private homes. As a result, a high level of coordination was required to ensure that public safety was maintained and all stakeholder concerns were addressed.
The SMC scope of work included: erosion and sediment controls, which included mulch access roads with swamp mats and timber bridges, water management, clearing and grubbing of existing vegetation, sewer line protection measures, site excavation and grading, and the installation of stream stabilization and grade control structures, invasives management and native plantings.
Specific restoration techniques SMC installed included six (6) clay channel plugs during the channel realignment portion of the project, nine (9) channel cross vane drop structures to control elevation changes, more than 900 LF of stone boulder toe to ensure the channel did not migrate laterally and impact existing infrastructure and private property, and an imbricated rip rap wall to protect a baseball field within the existing park.
Project site stabilization and vegetation included the reestablishment of turf grass with the limits of the park property. The riparian corridor was stabilized with a mix of native trees, shrubs, and grasses.