SMC is excited to complete the following four construction projects in 2020.
Foulger & Boldog | Fairfax County, VA SMC is mechanically dredging an existing wet pond and installing a forebay to increase retention time and water quality treatment volume
Emmord Branch Stream Restoration | Harford County, MD SMC is currently installing stormwater BMPs, constructing stormwater outfalls, and restoring approximately 1,000LF of the receiving stream channel.
Albert Powell Fish Hatchery Stream Bank Restoration | Washington County, MD SMC will stabilize the banks of Beaver Creek at the entrance to the Fish Hatchery during the late summer and early fall period of 2020.
Woodend Sanctuary Stream Restoration | Montgomery County, MD SMC will be building a series 46 step pool stormwater conveyance structures, which will span approximately 1,400LF to convey the flow of stormwater through the sanctuary property.